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Tuesday, September 20, 2016 | 7:30 pm
Lex54 Concerts | Saint Peter’s Church
619 Lexington Avenue at 54th Street | New York, NY
Suggested donation: $15

O R B I T is an immersive musical experience that traces the seasonal through sound and light and explores the idiosyncratic and alluring spaces of Saint Peter's Church, a celebrated architectural masterwork in midtown Manhattan. Three different works are performed simultaneously, with the audience, divided into three groups, moving from one to the other, until finally coming together for a final piece. The program includes paired works by Angélica Negrón and Fjóla Evans that convey two different sides of summer, autumn is evoked in a serene piece by Eve Beglarian, and spring comes to life in the strange magic of Nicole Lizée's music for phonograph and ensemble. Reconvening at the end to hear the wintry beauty of Janice Giteck's Breathing Songs from a Turning Sky, audience and musicians together may find that they have, in the words of T. S. Eliot, come "to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."

This performance is generously underwritten by the Paul R. Judy Center for Applied Research.


Eve Beglarian (b. 1958): The Continuous Life (2000; arr. 2016)
Fjóla Evans (b. 1987): FIVE (2015)
Janice Giteck (b. 1946): Breathing Songs from a Turning Sky (1984)
Nicole Lizée (b. 1973): Phonographenlieder (2014)
Angélica Negrón (b. 1981): bubblegum grass / peppermint field (2011)

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In Old Virginny

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Letters Made with Gold