First, we brought you the beauty of Burgers, Bourbon & Beethoven. Then, we handed you Hot Dogs, Hooch & Handel on a silver platter. And now, we triumphantly top this trifecta off with a towering new trio: Tacos, Tequila & Tavener’s Protecting Veil! For this large-scale outdoor event, come share sunset swing jazz with the impeccable Grand Street Stompers, taste some of New York’s finest tacos, tequila, mezcal and more. Then, as darkness descends over Green-Wood’s looming Gothic Arch, we’ll gather to hear the Contemporaneous ensemble conducted by Matthew Aucoin, alongside star cellist Joshua Roman, as they premiere their new arrangement of Tavener's transcendental, searching meditation on faith, and how our belief can protect us.
Joshua Roman, cello
The Protecting Veil – John Taverner
The Nativity of the Mother of God
The Annunciation
The Incarnation
The Lament of the Mother of God at the Cross
The Resurrection
The Dormition
The Protecting Veil